martes, 8 de enero de 2008

Traveling mishaps

This morning Laila finally met up with us, but after such a ridiculous day that I really want to share it. She flew into BA from Belem, Brazil after spending the semester there, and since we were already here, we decided to meet at the BA bus station, then take a bus to Mar del Plata together, so that Laila wouldn´t have to make the trip alone. The problem was neither of us had phones or knew anything about the bus station, so we just said we´d meet at the "Andemar" office when she got there from the airport. Except there were 5 Andesmar offices in different areas of the GIGANTIC station. We knew she was going to come on the Manuel Tienda Leon shuttle from the airport, so we decided the best thing to do was wait where we thought the shuttle stopped. And then we waited for 2 hours, meanwhile only seeing one shuttle. We walked around the station seeing if we could see her, then finally bought tickets to Mar del Plata, since Laila knew where we were staying there. Our bus was delayed about an hour so we were sure she´d be at the hostel when we got there. But she wasn´t and didn´t show up at all that night. I don´t know about Sarah, but I was convinced her plane had crashed or something horrible like that.
What actually happened was Laila took the Manuel Tienda Leon shuttle to Rosario instead of Retiro (the bus station), which was actually 5 hours away. She was angry, thinking that I had told her the station was way-closer than it was, and then realized that she was actually in Rosario, not BA. So she took a bus back to BA and then to Mar del Plata, about 10 more hours of bus travel!

1 comentario:

anna_sarah mom dijo...

Hi girls,
sounds like getting together will be a good story in retrospect, but not so fun while it was happening! Glad it all worked out, and hope that's the biggest glitch you experience.
I look forward to hearing about the amazing adventures of the oberlin trio...have a great time!
love from anna_sarah mom